
3 thoughts on “Entanglement”

  1. As a psychic medium who has been seeing and hearing messages from spirits, spirit guides and departed loved ones, I can vouch that our consciousness exists independently and lives on beyond our physical selves and isn’t a product of our brain in and of itself. As a matter of fact, our consciousness and astral selves originate from a singular source – the universe and with each rebirth, our astral selves occupy a different physical entity in a specific time-space continuum. Upon death of the physical self, the astral self returns to the source and is transfigured into another physical manifestation. Our world is constructed through our consciousness and perceived reality of a moment in the infinity of the universe.

    1. Sorry for not leaving my details earlier. Those are my comments – Angeline Kim Kyna Homberger (www.singaporepsychic.com)
